

Din sökning på "*" gav 127693 sökträffar

Computational Science for Health and Environment

The Computational Science for Health and Environment (COSHE) theme gathers interdisciplinary research based on developing and using computational methods with applications that address scientific problems in areas related to health and environment. Progress in science is increasingly dependent on computational methods. Modern measurement techniques generate large amounts of data that require sophi

https://www.cec.lu.se/research/research-themes/computational-science-health-and-environment - 2025-03-10

HEU proposals - General information

Here you find information on CECs internal process for HEU proposals. If you are interested in call drafts, please see the page HEU News and funding. General informationIf you are planning to place an EU-project at CEC, this must be approved by the CEC Director beforehand. Approval is obtained by contacting the CEC finance team, primarily Louise Berglund, who will ensure that all documentation nee

https://www.cec.lu.se/staff-pages/applying-funding/heu-proposals-general-information - 2025-03-10

HEU proposals - Checklists

Approval for HEU proposals by the CEC Director is administrated by the CEC finance team. HEU ChecklistsAll EU proposals must be approved by the CEC Director beforehand, 3 months in advance is advisable, as soon as possible otherwise. Please let the CEC finance team, primarily Louise Berglund, know as soon as possible that you are preparing a HEU proposal – send a quick e-mail straight away, and th

https://www.cec.lu.se/staff-pages/applying-funding/heu-proposals-checklists - 2025-03-10

Register for the PhD course "Nature-based Solutions at the Climate-Biodiversity-Health Nexus: Social and Natural Science Perspectives" 15-19 April 2024

This interdisciplinary course will introduce the climate-biodiversity-health nexus and consider Nature-based Solutions through the lens of social and natural science. It will include both theoretical lectures and application of the knowledge in group work, group discussions, and a study visit to two Nature-based Solutions in Skåne. You can contact marlis [dot] wullenkord [at] abm [dot] lth [dot] s

https://www.cec.lu.se/form/register-phd-course-nature-based-solutions-climate-biodiversity-health-nexus-social-and-natural - 2025-03-10

PhD Course Ecosystem modelling with LPJ-GUESS

Use this form to register for the course Ecosystem modelling with LPJ-GUESS.Deadline to register is 15 April.Questions about the course can be sent to the course convenor stefan [dot] olin [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (stefan[dot]olin[at]nateko[dot]lu[dot]se) or paul [dot] miller [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (paul[dot]miller[at]nateko[dot]lu[dot]se). Status message Sorry...This form is closed to

https://www.cec.lu.se/form/phd-course-ecosystem-modelling-lpj-guess - 2025-03-10

PhD Course From CO2 in-situ measurements to carbon balance maps as a tool to support national carbon accounting

Use the form below to register for the course From CO2 in-situ measurements to carbon balance maps as a tool to support national carbon accounting.Please note that the course begins with individual reading and preparation prior to the campus-based week of 2-6 September. An assignment will follow the campus-based week.Registration deadline is 1 April.Questions about the course can be sent to the co

https://www.cec.lu.se/form/phd-course-co2-situ-measurements-carbon-balance-maps-tool-support-national-carbon-accounting - 2025-03-10

PhD course Sustainable Land Use

The Delta del Estero Real, Nicaragua, Credit: European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery (more info: https://www.copernicus.eu/en/media/image-day-gallery/delta-del-estero-real-oasis-biodiversity) Use the form below to register for the PhD course Sustainble Land Use. 1-4 October and 16-18 October 2024.Deadline to register is 10 SeptemberQuestions about the course can be sent to the course conven

https://www.cec.lu.se/form/phd-course-sustainable-land-use - 2025-03-10

PhD Course Introduction to R

Use this form to register for the PhD course Introduction to R, 2-8 May 2024.Deadline to register is 22 April. Maximum 30 participants.Questions about the course can be sent to the course convenor johan [dot] lindstrom [at] matstat [dot] lu [dot] se or linda [dot] hartman [at] matstat [dot] lu [dot] se. Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank

https://www.cec.lu.se/form/phd-course-introduction-r - 2025-03-10

CEC PhD Symposium 2024

The PhD students in Environmental Science and Theoretical Physics with specialization in computational biology warmly welcome you (whether you are a researcher, postdoc, research assistant, or professor) to the CEC PhD symposium 2024! Please register your participation by indicating if you will join us for a full day of presentations or if you are attending the morning or afternoon sessions.  Stat

https://www.cec.lu.se/form/cec-phd-symposium-2024 - 2025-03-10

PhD Course Global Environmental Governance

Use this form to apply for the PhD course Global Environmental Governance, 16-20 September, 2024. Deadline to apply is 23 August. You will be notified about your acceptance to the course by 27 August.There are no fees for participation in the course. Please note that 1) you need to attend the course in person (missing the equivalent of one course day max.; no exceptions apply); and 2) we can neith

https://www.cec.lu.se/form/phd-course-global-environmental-governance - 2025-03-10

PhD Course Methods in Research Synthesis in Environmental and Climate Science

Use this form to register for the PhD course Methods in Research Synthesis for Environmental and Climate Science, 22-24 April and 16 May, 2025Deadline to register is 4 April, 2025Questions about the course can be directed to the course convenor liam [dot] kendall [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (liam[dot]kendall[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se). Name (required) Please enter your first and last name. Email address

https://www.cec.lu.se/form/phd-course-methods-research-synthesis-environmental-and-climate-science - 2025-03-10

CEC BBQ Party 2024

Welcome to the annual CEC BBQ! Let's meet on the 28 May at the outdoor BBQ area of the CEC Ecology Building (ground floor). Status message The deadline for registration has now passed. If you are interested in participating, but have missed the deadline, please contact arrian.karbassioon@cec.lu.se. Leave this field blank

https://www.cec.lu.se/form/cec-bbq-party-2024 - 2025-03-10

Past CBBP seminars

This page lists pasts talks at the CBBP seminars (2002 to 2023). The Computation Biology and Biological Physics group is now part of COSHE. See the calendar for future and recent COSHE seminars.2023Nov 08: Andreas Nilsson and Jesper Sjolte, GeologySynchronising and synthesising paleo data with chronologic uncertaintiesOct 30: Dmytro Perepolkin, CECIntroduction to Bayesian Parametric Quantile Regre

https://www.cec.lu.se/research/research-themes/computational-science-health-and-environment/past-cbbp-seminars - 2025-03-10

Computational science studies

Computational science is the application of computational methods to solve problems in various scientific disciplines, such as life sciences, physics, chemistry, biology and geology. The computational toolbox contains such tools as modeling, numerical methods and deep learning. Since 2023, the Faculty of Science at Lund University offers a cross-disciplinary master's programme in computational sci

https://www.cec.lu.se/education/undergraduate-advanced-studies/computational-science-studies - 2025-03-10

COSHE seminars

The COSHE seminars are a scientific meeting point where invited and internal speakers present research results and questions in an informal setting at COSHE, Computational Science in Health and Environment. The COSHE seminars usually take place on Mondays at 11:00 in Gotland (F126), Geocentrum I. From April 2025 the time and place is Mondays at 15:00 in Atmosfären, Geocentrum II. Occasionally the

https://www.cec.lu.se/research/research-themes/computational-science-health-and-environment/coshe-seminars - 2025-03-10

ClimBEco summer meeting 2024

"The nature of the urban: sustainability challenges in the city" September 25-27 2024 in Helsingborg Use the form below to register for the ClimBEco summer meeting. Only current ClimBEco PhD students are eligible to attend.Register by 11 June 2024. You can read more about the summer meeting programme on the ClimBEco Annual meetings homepageAny questions can be sent to ClimBEco coordinator cheryl [

https://www.cec.lu.se/form/climbeco-summer-meeting-2024 - 2025-03-10

ClimBEco farewell picnic 2024

Welcome to all Lund-based ClimBEco PhDs in the 2022-2024 group to an informal farewell-picnic! Time has flown, and it's now time to end this ClimBEco chapter of your research career. Join ClimBEco staff and colleagues for a casual picnic in the Lund Botanical garden. ClimBEco will provide sandwiches, smoothies and snacks, you bring a blanket to sit on.Register below by 10 June at the latest.Date:

https://www.cec.lu.se/form/climbeco-farewell-picnic-2024 - 2025-03-10

QUEST - In search for knowledge, gaps and action on sustainable business models

Project Leader: Andrius PlepysDuration: Dec 2021 - 2022 Dec (extension to March 2024)Financing Body: NaturvårdsverketCollaborators: IIIEE researchers: Andrius Plepys, Philip Peck, Oksana Mont, Carl Dalhammar, Emma Johnson, Lars Strupeit, Mariannne Ekdahl.Aim: Map, analyze, and synthesize the current knowledge about sustainable business models (SBMS) and their sustainability performance from lifecy

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/research/iiiee-current-research-projects/quest-search-knowledge-gaps-and-action-sustainable-business-models - 2025-03-10